Plain Truth - Jodi Picoult

After having found some fresh hay to lie down on, Katie Fisher gave birth in the barn to a little boy where she then fell asleep with the newborn in her arms. When she woke up, the infant was gone. It must have been a dream.

But she soon realized her assumption was wrong when a dead infant is found in the barn the next morning.


Katie Fisher, an unmarried Amish eighteen-year-old girl is then being accused of the murder of her own child. But English and Amish rules are very different and can therefore easily get tangled up. Why are you not forgiven after confessing your sin in the English world like in the Amish church? And why would they not believe what I say? These are things Katie wonders.
Meanwhile, Katie's attorney is doing her best to save her from a lifetime sentence..


Plain truth, a novel written by Jodi Picoult. As you will read this book, you will get a better view on who the Amish are, why they decide to live this way and what they believe. Whom is the father of Katie's child? And did she really murder her own child? This, is the plain truth. But does the judge want to hear this, or will she only decide the verdict based on which attorney gives her a story that suits her best..


I loved this book because it is a suspenseful story that surely will not disappoint you. I loved this book because it does not only contain a tragic story from Picoult's mind but you also get to know the Amish culture better. I loved this book because, like in all her other books, Jodi Picoult describes the trial in a way it sounds so real. Conclusion: I loved this book and I bet you will too!


I gave this book: * * * * * 



*If you would like to watch the movie of this book (Plain truth) on Youtube, just go to my page 'Youtube movies' and you will find the link there :)